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General Plan Update
Sustainable Sebastopol

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Please get involved in the General Plan Update process. This will be a chance to describe the kind of town we want to live in for the next many years.

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Sebastopol's General Plan Update

The City is currently embarking on a General Plan update process that takes place every 20 years. This is an important opportunity to strengthen plans and ordinances that keep Sebastopol a small pedestrian friendly town that welcomes small businesses.

Do we want to encourage local businesses, pedestrian friendly streets, bikeways, resource protection and community connectedness? Do we want to discourage drive-through businesses in the center of our small town, large chain restaurants like Applebee's (rumored to be looking at our downtown), shopping malls that belong on the outskirts of town?

Here are some points to consider:


Note from one of our planning commissioners:

Sebastopol citizens,
If you are interested in the future of our town and want to be involved or learn about the upcoming general plan process, then please read through the information posted here and from the city planning director on the city's website and other documents gathered on this site.

A fast paced, "unofficial" preliminary general plan update report is being prepared by students in the planning dept at SSU this school year. The city council tasked the planning commission with the responsibility of coordinating the discussion of interested citizens, city boards and commissions with the SSU team.

There will be 4 distinct sub committees reporting back to the planning commission and everyone who lives in Sebastopol or in the surrounding west county region is strongly encouraged to join one or more of these committees to provide as broad a spectrum of input as possible into this process.

Subcommittees will meet in a very open, round table format, a few times this year before the holidays and a few times in early 2013.

Again, while this is not the official General Plan process, it is an excellent opportunity to get involved, learn about the issues, express what is important to you and to help shape the public discourse on the future of our town.

Gaining a consensus on the values, goals and issues that will help shape our next General Plan update takes time and commitment. We welcome your participation.

Michael Jacob, planning commission